Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Record Breaking Heat

It was a snowy winter and it looks like its going to be a hot summer. Today we broke a Boston record of 96 degrees! I know at this time last year I was scrambling for an AC unit to stick in the window of my inferno/aparment. I went to a couple stores but they were very expensive. Luckily The WANT AD has an entire section of AC units and I got a great one cheap!

People are always moving, from apartment to apartment to condo to house to houseboat, wherever, and they don't always need to bring their used-for-a-few-seasons AC unit. So it goes into The WANT AD!

There are a bunch of 6,000 BTU units good for cooling your apartment. Theres even a 100,000 BTU unit that could probably turn your home into a skating rink. The choice is yours.

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